Crypto ethereum reddit


Reddit is set to commit development resources, including a developer team, to work on the project, which could lead to the development of new layer-two scaling solutions for Ethereum. Reddit’s Ethereum-based Community Points could, in the future, scale to its over 50 million users. Featured image via Unsplash.

from CryptoCurrency This move to dabble in crypto, namely Ethereum, isn’t exactly unexpected: Reddit’s co-founder Alexis Ohanian is a noted Bitcoin bull, while the forum has long been a home for members of the cryptocurrency community. Reddit Launches New Crypto Called Moon On Ethereum It’s been just revealed that Reddit is launching a new digital asset called Moon that will be used to reward contributions in the r/CryptoCurrency subreddit. Moons are issues on the Ethereum blockchain Moons are ERC-20 tokens that are issued on the Ethereum blockchain. Reddit partners with Ethereum as GameStop wrecks hedge funds!👁️ UNSTOPPABLE DOMAINS🔥 WEALTH MASTERY https://cryptol Apr 24, 2020 · Token having been based on the Ethereum platform, creates a guarantee of property rights and control to holders.

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Jan. 2021 Reddit schließt Partnerschaft mit Ethereum Foundation Macher dahinter ihre Pläne in Sachen Blockchain- und Token-Technologie weiter. 27 Jan 2021 Reddit has just announced a new partnership with the Ethereum Foundation, its first-ever blockchain partnership. The idea is to bring the value  7 Feb 2021 That brings me to Bitcoin, Ethereum and the crypto ecosystem in general, which is likewise helping to democratize finance. When you use a  Reddit is launching a blockchain-base rewards system that uses Ethereum tokens.

Jan 28, 2021

Reddit Launches New Crypto Called Moon On Ethereum It’s been just revealed that Reddit is launching a new digital asset called Moon that will be used to reward contributions in the r/CryptoCurrency subreddit. Moons are issues on the Ethereum blockchain Moons are ERC-20 tokens that are issued on the Ethereum blockchain. Reddit’s Ethereum-based Moon Tokens. Reddit has long been a vocal support of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, with its popular r/Cryptocurrency subreddit recently introducing ‘Moon’ token rewards on the platform.

One of these projects could help scale Reddit’s crypto rewards Blockchain Tim Draper - November 5, 2020 0 Almost two dozen crypto projects are vying to help scale Reddit's ambitious Ethereum …

The Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges: [Most Comprehensive Guide List]. Related Topics: Bitsquare  Quantum cryptocurrency reddit garth emery ethereum. February 2018. Gold maximizes the monetization of services delivered on IP addresses. This post  Secret Chinese Bitcoin Mine — Interesting story about the miners BitCoinMiner is Malwarebytes' generic detection name for crypto-currency miners that may be  22 Jan 2021 DIA [DIA] is a token based on Ethereum blockchain. You can trade cryptocurrency with popular crypto such as USDT, BTC, ETH. ReddIt.

Months ago, several subreddits introduced their own tokens like r/CryptoCurrency which created Moons. Jan 29, 2021 · Reddit’s Ethereum-based Moon Tokens. Reddit has long been a vocal support of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, with its popular r/Cryptocurrency subreddit recently introducing ‘Moon’ token rewards on the platform. Moon (RCP) tokens are built on the Ethereum blockchain and are now the official cryptocurrency of the r/Cryptocurrency subreddit. Jan 27, 2021 · Reddit has partnered with the Ethereum Foundation on blockchain scaling solutions.

Reddit and Ethereum Foundation have partnered up to bring blockchain and scalability to the popular online forum. A Reddit admin “u/jarins” announced it through a post on the social platform. The partnership is exciting for both Ethereum and Reddit, as the social media site has a huge user base, constantly growing on a daily basis. Reddit to Use Ethereum for New Points System: This week, internet forum Reddit, which is one of the most visited sites in the world with hundreds of millions of active users, confirmed the launch of a new project called “Community Points.” Community Points are tokens for specific subforums on Reddit, which can be used to redeem rewards and Both platforms started their partnership with the Scaling Bake-Off that Reddit hosted with the Ethereum Foundation. However, this new initiative will be led by the Reddit crypto team. Presently, Reddit has over 50 million daily users, hundreds of thousands of communities, and roughly 430 million monthly users.

After Hodling and buying more in the 100$ region I can’t express how happy I am with this outcome, Hodling is the way to go in crypto if you want to make longterm gains. Ethereum is currently in the process of scaling to a Layer 2 POS network. Until proper Layer 2 solutions are in play, Ethereum’s capacity will remain considerably limited, and it remains unlikely that it will be able to handle the entirety of Reddit’s user base of over 400 million users. The Reddit social platform has announced a partnership with the Ethereum foundation in order to accelerate scaling and resources for the Ethereum ecosystem. The move was announced on the platform itself as its first-ever blockchain partnership. Consequently, Reddit has established a designated Crypto Team and is looking for “engineers who want to build the decentralized Internet.” Aya Miyaguchi, the executive director at the Ethereum Foundation, also commented on the new partnership.

Crypto ethereum reddit

Reddit’s Ethereum-based Moon Tokens. Reddit has long been a vocal support of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, with its popular r/Cryptocurrency subreddit recently introducing ‘Moon’ token rewards on the platform. Moon (RCP) tokens are built on the Ethereum blockchain and are now the official cryptocurrency of the r/Cryptocurrency subreddit. Last year, Reddit brought out its nascent cryptocurrency as an experiment within the r/Cryptocurrency subreddit. The coins, called Moons (MOON), exist on the Ethereum testnet, which means—in theory—they have no value. But the crypto community quickly got creative and made a way for anyone to buy and sell them in a decentralized fashion.

The tokens are currently on an Ethereum testnet and will move to mainnet later in the year. Cryptocurrency adoption by one of the largest social media platforms in the world could be a catalyst for mass adoption.

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Dec 14, 2013 · r/ethereum: Next-generation platform for decentralised applications. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts

Aug 03, 2020 · Reddit asked its Ethereum community to propose ways to scale its crypto rewards system. Ultimately, 22 pitches were made, including from Matic, OMG, Solana, and NEAR. Reddit will now decide which working concept, if any, to implement. May 13, 2020 · In the Reddit app your wallet is a full Ethereum wallet that has a private key and recovery phrase. You are able to use that wallet anywhere you would normally use an Ethereum wallet by exporting it. Reddit and Ethereum Foundation have partnered up to bring blockchain and scalability to the popular online forum.